Part 1


Soul wounds can come from many different traumatic experiences. Listen to the story of Kris’s soul wound.

We’ll learn the conclusion of Kris and Adam’s story later in this module. But first, we will focus on the Soul Wounds we see in Adam. There are many different types of events that can lead to soul wounds. Click the cards below to learn more.

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Threat of Death

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Serious Injury

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Sexual Assault

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Our souls can also be wounded, or traumatized, when we hear the details of someone else’s experience of trauma, especially if that person is a close family member or friend. This is referred to as secondary trauma.

A soul wound is like a physical wound. Think of a deep cut on your arm. How does it heal? What helps it heal? Let’s compare a physical wound to a soul wound. In the chart below, examine each item in the physical wound column and ask yourself: “Is this the same or different for a soul wound?” Then, click within the chart to reveal the provided answer.

Physical Wound

Soul Wound

It is visible.


It is invisible but shows up in the person’s behavior.

It is painful and must be treated with care.



If ignored, it is likely to get worse.



It must be cleaned to remove any foreign objects first.


The pain has to be expressed. If there is any sin, it must be confessed

If a wound heals on the surface with infection still inside, it will cause the person to become very sick.


If people pretend their emotional wounds are healed when really they are not, it will often cause the person greater problems.

Only God brings healing, but often uses people and medicine to do so.



It takes time to heal.



A healed wound may leave a scar.


Same. People can be healed, but they will not be exactly the same as before the wound.

Reflect & Respond

Journal Exercise #1

What kinds of events could cause soul wounds? Have you known anyone who has suffered in this way? Have you been wounded in this way?

If you have not yet downloaded and printed your Module 2 journal, you can download it now.

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