Part 1


All trauma involves loss. When you lose someone or something very important to you, you may even lose a sense of who you are. But, you are not alone in your grief. Many understand what you’re going through because they’ve been there themselves. Listen to the following stories and learn from their experiences.

Reflect & Respond

Journal Exercise #1

Consider some of the kinds of losses Captain Nelson and his family experienced and write some of those losses down. Maybe you don’t have a physical disability like Captain Nelson, but what have you lost? Did any of these losses change how you viewed yourself? Did they change how you viewed God?

If you have not yet downloaded and printed your Module 3 journal, you can download it now.


How can we grieve in a way that brings healing? One way that we can do this is by understanding the different stages of grief.


Traveling through these three stages of grief creates a journey that is unique to each situation. It will take twists and turns and involve many different people. Listen to pieces of other stories in the video below.

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