Part 2
Lamenting is approaching God with our pain and suffering. But how can we do this? God has given us a way. View the video below to learn how.
Laments can have seven parts:

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Address to God “O God”

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Review of God’s faithfulness in the past

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A complaint/reason for your grief

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A confession of sin or claim of innocence

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A request for help

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God’s response (often not stated)

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A vow to praise, statement of trust in God
Not all parts are present in each lament, and they are not always in the same order.
Laments allow a person to fully express their grief and even accuse God. This is often, but not always, followed by a statement of trust in God. This combination makes for very powerful prayers. The grief is not hidden, but rather expressed openly to God.
Laments encourage people to be honest with God, to speak the truth about the injustice that they feel, and to agree with God that he is the God of justice. To lament to God is a sign of faith, not of doubt.
In a lament, people do not attempt to solve the problem themselves, but they cry to God for help. They look to God, not the enemy, as the one ultimately in control of the situation. They ask God to take action to bring justice rather than taking action themselves.
Laments are well known in many communities. They are a good way to express deep thoughts and emotions.
Read Psalm 13 and identify the parts of the lament.

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Reflect & Respond
Journal Exercise #2
Take some time to create a lament to God. Your lament could be a song, poem, prayer, or any creative way you wish to express your feelings to God. It does not have to include all parts of a lament, but it should have a reason for your grief or suffering.
If you have not yet downloaded and printed your Module 4 journal, you can download it now.